On 31 May 2005, at 21:11, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi Andre,

Shall we name 31 of may the spooky Rev day?

I am afraid yes :-(
In addition, I noticed that when you repeat a get Url (the same one) many times, you may have an empty result (1/50). There are workarounds for this issue but when Rev crashes (and sometimes badly with the blue screen on Mac OS X), I push the restart button but it does not give me any solution... Before contacting the Rev support team, I would know if anyone has tried to retrieve many internet urls in a row and which problems he/ she has encountered.
As for your case, I am stuck too.
Good luck to us :-)

I regularly get a sequence of up to 5000 urls when testing liburl. I don't get any problems.

The crashing sounds worrying. I'd guess it's either related to the data you're downloading, or just the volume of data you're accumulating.

To try and isolate the problem, can you do a series of downloads without doing anything to the data (i.e just discard it) and see what happens. Something like the following:

 ## assuming tUrlList is a list of urls
 repeat for each line tUrl in tUrlList
    get url tUrl
    put length(it) into tLength
    put the result into tRes
    if tRes is empty then put "OK" into tRes
    put tUrl & tab & tRes & tab & tLength & cr after field "res"
  end repeat


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