On Jun 2, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

My beef, Richard is not with activation as you describe (although as a user I find it very annoying), but the scrutiny that is uncalled for, such as Microsoft putting me through their gauntlet when I try to change a hard drive that has nothing to do with the os or any app - that is none of their business.....You change ANYTHING in Windoze driven hardware, a card, a drive, and it will want you to re-register, possibly even pay again (it wasn't clear). No thanks. Great to keep IT teams busy (bless their hearts) but no thanks. I'm afraid to even add ram.

I do find activation to be a pain at times. I find the new definitions of "machine" to be costly and tedious. And like you, I find the work involved in upgrading and cloning to be the most tedious. Even upgrading my VirtualPC made a bunch of OSes on virtual machines clammer for activation. I expect that will also happen when I try to move the virtual machines to new hosts.

Microsoft makes it hard for me to use what I "buy". But they are not the only troublemakers out there. At the other end, GPLers try to control (own) what I build.

Typically, the way folks seek to solve their problems is to try to control other people.

For me, I have seen no evidence of wrongdoing by Microsoft in antitrust practices.


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    Programming and software

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