Message: 13
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 17:13:01 -0700
From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I script for the effect of menu item "Reshape
To: How to use Revolution <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Jim Hurley wrote:
 Those are the markerPoints. They give the corners of the little shape
 used for the marker.

 Thanks Jeanne. That was very helpful.

 I see what my problem was. I was setting the MarkerDraw property to
 true, but  there were no marker points to be drawn until I had called
 Reshape Graphic from the Object menu.

 Apparently, if the marker points are empty, Reshape Graphic constructs a
 small 33 point closed, filled polygon to simulate a blackened circle.

 I would like to see how RR does this but I have forgotten how to peek at
 a RR menu script. Could you refresh my memory?

Marker points are a tease if what you're looking for is the equivalent
of SuperCard's editPoints property, as the engine's marker points can be
seen but do not respond to clicks.

You could dig into Rev scripts with devolution easily enough, but the
scripted implementation has some unusual aspects to its behavior.  Also,
for even someone as experienced as yourself, we find that it's not
straightforward to implement, esp. compared with SuperCard's one-liner.

It was a cool hack as a workaround before Rev owned the engine, but now
that they own it there's a request to raise the bar to implement the
behavior in the engine natively to allow us to build things on the order
of SuperCard's SampleDraw (or MacDraw or any basic drawing environment):


If such drawing environments are of interest and you need to present
them in scrolling document windows, you may also be interested in:


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site


I'm afraid I've forgotten what little I had learned of SuperCard.

I did note that Kevin said during a recent programming conference that there are upgrades coming in Rev's graphics capabilities. Anxiously awaiting.

Along the lines of programmability of markerpoints, I would hope that if RR offers bezier graphics, that the handles are programmable, unlike the current marker points--or maybe they are, but I don't know how.

I have in mind applications in which the user is allowed to manipulate bezier handles to change the graphic shape *and* act upon the results. For example, the handles could be programmed to report the new area within the closed bezier polygon--easy to do. I am thinking in particular of my Manning Formula Calculator which needs the perimeter and area inside the bezier closed polygon in order to calculate flow rates in the canal.

Wish I could respond more intelligently to your comments about the engine's implantation of graphic reshaping. Even after a couple of years of use, I still find myself overwhelmed by RR's potential.

Watching the Fedder/Nadal tennis match as I write this. I feel about RR the way I would if I were on court against either of these two.

Don't understand how  Maria Sharapova's lost. She is soooo cute.

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