Hi Bob,

looks like i misunderstood that i misunderstood you :-D

Hi Bob,

You wrote:

Hi All

I have a script that clears the contents of fields in cards.

on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
   put empty into fld x
end repeat end mouseUp

Now this works ok except that the card has some labels and the script
clears the label contents.

All the text fields are called field1, field2 etc

so I thought of doing this on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
    if the name of fld x is "field &*"
  then put empty into fld x
end repeat end mouseUp

But I don't ge tthe fields clearing. I tried variations on the "field & *"

Then I thought that since the field is number x and the fields are field1,
field2 etc then
on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
    if the name of fld x is "field" & "x"
   then put empty into fld x
end repeat
end mouseUp

sorry, i misunderstood you.

See above :-D

You need brackets :-)
on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
    if the name of fld x = ("field" & "x") then
         put empty into fld x
    end if
  end repeat
end mouseUp
No luck there

This will work, since the string will be evaluated first and without
the brackets the engine will only look for a field -> "field", but with the brackets it will evaluate the string first to -> "field1" etc... in the loop.

Brackets are necessary most of the time when it comes to strings! :-)



Klaus Major

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