
1. Open a new stack, place 2 scrolling fields and 1 button "Modify_Sort" on it

2. Copy (cut & paste) your data into fld 1 - must be 1 number/line

3. Copy the following script into your "Midify_Sort" button

on mouseUp  -- by Ralph forehand  06/03/05
  -- inset leading 0s into numers where needed
  put empty into card field 2
  repeat with i = 1 to number of lines in fld 1
    put line i of fld 1 into myNumber
    if char 2 of myNumber ="." then 
    put "0"& myNumber into line i of fld 2
    put myNumber into line i of fld 2
    end if
  end repeat
  -- sort modified numbers
  sort cd fld 2
  -- Remove leading Zeros returning numbers to original form
  repeat with i = 1 to number of lines in fld 2
    put line i of fld 2 into myNumber
    if char 1 of myNumber = 0 then
      put char 2 to 12 of myNumber into line i of fld 2
      put myNumber into line i of fld 2
    end if
  end repeat
end mouseUp

4. Button will put your numbers in the right order.

Trust the above helps and Good Luck,

> Greetings,
> I need a field to sort numerically and when I try it I get the result below. 
> I checked the docs and experimented with the numberformat without success. 
> Help!
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