When I said I hit delete, I meant I hit the delete icon (trash can). I must have hit the lower trash can that time. They really should make the distinction more clear in the user interface --both trash cans are next to the field with a hilited line. In any case I tried it again, and sure enough, the undo does not undo a delete of the property set. Then I quit Rev and it did not ask if I wanted to save. Lots of cracks in the IDE.


On Jun 4, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

When editing properties, I'd suggest never using the delete key at all. Use the trash can icons instead.

Important: use the UPPER trash can to delete single properties, use the LOWER trash can to delete property sets. The Delete key is just too vague sometimes with multiple hilites all over the place.

At 1:00 PM -0400 6/4/05, Dennis Brown wrote:

I hate to break in here, but just 10 minutes ago, I wanted to delete a custom property from a field. I selected the property in the inspector (it was the first one and it was highlighted), I hit delete, return (did not read the "are you sure" box very carefully) and every custom property was deleted. I went immediately to the Edit menu and the undo was available, so I selected it. None of my custom properties were restored, but the field was still there. I had to revert to last saved. When I actually try to delete more than one custom property at a time, I can't even select more than one.

Perhaps I did something wrong (operator error), but I can not figure out what it could have been. I have noticed that the IDE has a tough time doing the focus right. For instance, I can select the doc window, click in the find field --it is outlined, then start typing, only to look up and see that nothing is being typed into the field. I have to click on it again before it works. This has happened also in my stacks. What gives?


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