Recently, Heather Nagey  wrote:

> We are delighted to announce the arrival of Revolution 2.6, The Tiger
> Release! 

Now that Heather has let the cat out of the bag (so to speak), I'll add a
little follow up announcement for a product that's been in the works for a
few months: Harlequin.

Harlequin is a skinnable software remote control application for Apple's
iTunes. This is similar in concept to an iTunes widget running under
Dashboard but Harlequin is intended to be a bit more extensible and
customizable as a standalone accessory for iTunes. Those who know their way
around Photoshop or other image editor can design their own control images,
place them in a bundle along with a layout description, and Harlequin will
dynamically assemble a functioning masque (skin) on-the-fly that controls
almost all of iTunes' playback functions.

Harlequin is one of the first Revolution apps in development to take
advantage of the new deep masks feature.

For those of you attending RevConWest, I'm going to demo Harlequin as part
of my presentation,  alongside many other expert Rev developers.  I believe
there's still time to sign up (Dan? Chipp?) -- interested folks should head
over to

For those who aren't attending RevCon (and for anyone who wants to play),
you can download an alpha version of Harlequin here (OSX only):

If you are at all interested in masquing (skinning) I encourage you to join
the related forum:

See the Welcome post in the Messages area for more detailed info about the
alpha (please note that as an alpha, Harlequin is incomplete in some areas).

And now back to the Revolution.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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