Hi there,

thanks for the hints...

I'm with Rev 2.6. and I have used this (which works !)

put the clickText into tVar
put replaceText(fld 1,"\b"&tvar&"\b",underscores(length(tvar))) into fld 1

function underscores pCount
   repeat (pCount)+5
     put "_" after tString
   end repeat
   return tString
end underscores

Thanks to you all,

from (sleepy) <yawn> Luxembourg ;-)

Le 7 juin 05 à 00:39, Dar Scott a écrit :

On Jun 6, 2005, at 2:36 PM, Christian Langers wrote:

I need to do the following :

repeat with x=1 to the number of chars of the clicktext+5
    put "_" after char x of tChar
    end repeat

replace the clicktext with tChar in fld 1

where i want the exact word to be replaced...

e.g. I click "da" and I just want this to be replaced in the field (not "das", "Dach","Dame",...)

How can I solve this ?

A regular expression may include \b to match at a word boundary, even at the start or end of a string. Perhaps you can build up a regular expression and use replaceText(). (A "word" is a sequence of ASCII underscore, letter or digit that is bound by non-word characters or string boundary.)

The replaceText() function is improved for speed in Revolution 2.6, I understand.


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    Programming and software

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