Hi Chris,

Klaus -

Thanks for looking at this. The problem I have is not the end of the string (bundle path) but the beginning! On my G5 it correctly returns "/Volumes/Hard_Disk_Name/...", but on G3 it starts with the application root, i.e. it doesn't return the full path to the HD root.

The app happily works without this full path, but the problem is, I need to pass the full path to another (SuperCard) app.

oh, sorry, yes, i misunderstood your problem.

But this can also be easily worked around, looks like this is a "Tiger" feature
(putting "/Volumes/Bootvolume/" before everypath on the boot volume.

put the filename of this stack into fn
set the itemdel to "/"
if item 2 of fn <> "Volumes" then
   put "/Volumes" & line 1 of the volumes & "/" before fn
end if

"the volumes" returns a list of all harddisks and the fiurst line will contain your
"boot volume"

Hope this helps.




Klaus Major

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