Dar pointed out that this clock does not have a graceful stop. I changed the clock in my user space (see3d) to shut down the clock when the card is closed.


On Jun 7, 2005, at 12:40 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I've posted the new revision:

on openCard
end openCard

on setTime
  put word 1 of the long time into T --8:13:15
  put T & char 2 to 5 of (the long seconds mod 1) into fld "Time"
  split T using ":"
  get (450 - (30 * T[1]) - (T[2] div 2)) mod 360
if (the angle of grc "Hour") <> it then set the angle of grc "Hour" to it
  get (450 - (6 * T[2]) - (T[3] div 10)) mod 360
if (the angle of grc "Minute") <> it then set the angle of grc "Minute" to it
  set the angle of grc "Second" to 450 - (6 * T[3])
  send "setTime" to me in 1 - (the long seconds mod 1) seconds
end setTime

On Jun 6, 2005, at 9:38 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:

Good catch.
As was pointed out before, trunc(T[2] / 2) can be simplified to (T [2] div 2)

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