I could use some help. I am not sure how to approach trying to recover my stack. I have lots of backups, but I have to go back many revisions to find a stack the does not produce this error (prior to my brief encounter with 2.6). My stack is just one card, but it has many groups and hundreds of objects, and many new objects, most of which I have added or altered the properties and scripts since the good backup (I was restructuring the script organization and also added more functionality). Thank goodness for Chipp Walters altArchive plugin. Because of it I started making many more backup versions than I used to. Anyway I have two stacks an old one that works and a new one with several days of extensive changes that is somehow corrupted in one or more ways. If I copy objects over, I get all the changes, but do I get the corruption also? The corrupted script is at the card level, but it seems like it is the engine that is failing at runtime, but the same engine runs the old stack, the compiler does not complain. I tried deleting the card scripts and replacing them, but that did not help. I am just not sure how to approach it to make sure I don't waste more time, and I get a good stack.


On Jun 9, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Dennis Brown wrote:

I switched to 2.6 for a few hours, and during that time I made some edits and saved a stack I have been working on for some months. I switched back to 2.5.1 due to bugs so I could continue development on my stack. The stack acts goofy now.
Here is a snippet of code:

  repeat with j=1 to 20
      put j --mssg box contains 1
      get Typ[min(i+1+j,DateLines)] --error on this line

         executing at 11:59:32 AM
Type    Function: error in source expression
Object    card id 1002
Line    get Typ[min(i+1+j,DateLines)]
Hint    card id 1002

The error is complaining that j has not been defined yet!!!!
When I look at the variable watcher, j is missing. If I 'put j' in the mssg box it is also missing. If I execute the get statement in the mssg box and substitute 1 for j then it works.

I think I have just lost another 2 days work due to 2.6  :-(

I have to assume that 2.6 was rushed to meet the Tiger announcement and did not go through the proper beta cycle. Who does Beta testing for these releases anyway?

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