Have you used "YourSQL" or similar utility to test the connections to other machines?

Rishi Viner wrote:

Hi All,

Hoping for some help with this. I'm using Dreamcard 2.5.1 to put data into a MySQL database. I have developed the application on my laptop running SuSE 9.1 Pro and it works great. I can connect to MySQL databases on my local machine and on various remote servers on our network. The problem comes when I try to use this stack on any other machines. I have tried running my stack using the Dreamcard Player on one machine running RedHat 9 and another running SuSE 9.1 Pro with no luck. I get errors like:

"There was an error in connecting to the database. Please check that the connection fields are correct. Revdb error: revdberr, invalid database type"

I have double checked the connection information and it is good. I have also double checked that my database user has permissions to connect from the various hosts I am connecting from. I have the same problem whether I use the "Database Query Builder" or do it manually in a script. In frustration and thinking that it may be a Player issue, I have installed the Dreamcard IDE on the RedHat machine, but get exactly the same problem. It looks like Rev can't find or use the database drivers on the other machines, yet they seem to be in the right location (comparing with my original development machine). I have little (no) experience with preparing stacks to run on other machines from the development machine. Any ideas / suggestions as to what might be causing this?


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