On 6/9/05 6:23 PM, "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But to be honest, it's very rare that I use either "call" or "send".
> Both are up there with "do" in terms of a modest amount of additional
> overhead needed to handle them relative to calls natively in the message
> path.

On 6/9/05 8:51 PM, "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> What are the relative timings of handlers in the message path vs. handlers
>> outside?
> About twice as long, but as with many benchmarks with Transcript it
> hardly matters:  "twice as long" sounds like a big deal, but on my 1GHz
> G4 that's still less than a microsecond. :)

Are there stronger reasons for you to use "call" and "send" very rarely?  I
ask because I've been using "send" a lot.

-- Dick

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