Hi Jon,

Any hints as to how to make an Icon file that Rev is happy with?
you will need an icon editor :-)
Wouldn't it be nice if the documentation actually said this, instead of making the vague statements it does?


It won't take Windows icon files, and, as usual, the documentation is pretty vague
Since it is the documentation for Revolution and not for creating platform specific images/icons...
Well, since it won't take platform specific icon files that work with other applications on the platform, I'd say it needs to say SOMETHING about what the customer is supposed to do here.

That's what this list is meant for...
To partly fill the gaps of the docs ;-)

There isn't even a slightest hint on how to create images in JPG format :-p
("For a guide to creating yuour [sic] .ico format file use the examples in the Sample Icons folder of the Revolution distribution.", whatever "use" might mean).
"use" means, since the icon format changed some time ago, you can check how the new icon format has to look like and USE one of the sample icons as examples in an icon editor.
Then they need to talk about what specific icon editor, or features, are needed. I already HAVE an icon editor, and icons, and none of them work with Rev.

Maybe a look at one of these sample icons would have helped?

The new format is the XP icon format and consists of 9 different (internal) icons actually.
Was that ever stated in the documentation?

No, i actually found out all by myself.

C'mon Jon, show a bit of humor... :-)
I know the docs have some flaws, but they are not soooo bad!

Please allow me to qoute myself from my Revolution Scripting Conference stack:

That's how I learned Metacard, no extensive docs like we have now in Revolution, no Rev Cookbook, no helpful "use-revolution" lists, nothing but a knife, a compass
and a box of WET matches!


48*48 pixel, 32 bit
32*32 pixel, 32 bit
16*16 pixel, 32 bit
48*48 pixel, 8 bit
32*32 pixel, 8 bit
16*16 pixel, 8 bit
48*48 pixel, 4 bit
32*32 pixel, 4 bit
16*16 pixel, 4 bit
I use Axialis IconWorkshop, the only Windows software i ever needed and bought :-)
Maybe you can find some freeware editors on the net...
The following worked fine for me, although I have a sense that I will be getting some emails from them trying to sell me their products:

You BET! :-D


Have a nice weekend.

Regards from germanski

Klaus Major

Only my very good education (thanks, mom!) prohibits
further comments like:
I can't stand this whining about the docs anymore!
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