One is immediately struck by the larger implications of this "microcosm" of non-conflicting Rev tools and therefore the greater significance of establishing these conventions.

<"blue sky" dream>
A single, universal "player" ala Acrobat Reader, suddenly goes "big time" in terms of popularity "The RunRev Reader." Let's say we were to feature this at our very hot page on our web site: http:// where I know, if we were to feature such a standalone player, we would get between 2,000 and 10,000 downloads a month... not CNN to be sure, but also not trivial...multiply this by say, 20 other web sites offering this same player/reader....and imagine 200,000 people around the world, every month = 1.4 million per year. Now this universal player has built into it an index to an online library of stacks... not standalones. Some free, some shareware, some demos for macho apps. Kagi could host this stack inventory... kind of like versionTracker for Rev... Now these "apps" (that do not carry the core engine...) are running in the neighbourhood of from 15k widgets to 12Meg stacks with tons of media...which could vary from trivial toys to serious stuff for Dad like "Family Tax Manager" .....downloads and performance would be incredible. In the face of the JAVA sloths worms deployed on the web, this thing would be so alive... It would just dance! OK so, users start "going nuts" as some apple users are over dash board widgets...(they are indeed many of them super cool and useful at the same time...) in no time at all some kid has 50-100 stacks on his hard drive... all driven by this one player. OK so, he just starts booting up all these stacks... he doesn't think to close them.. 20 minutes later... 15 stacks are up and running...

In this dream the rev namespace is no longer a trivial issue.

addendum to story: demand for the IDE skyrockets, Kevin and team become millionaires, they hire legions of engineers, every bug is fixed nightly and new builds are issued on a 72 hour cron...

</"blue sky" dream>

Anyway... I'm already there, in our little ocean of stacks here: I find myself more and more resisting the impulse to build stand alones and tell our people ("Get the Player"). It is so "sweet" to be able to zip a stack, whose size drops down to some 25K, and send this as an email attachment... Upgrades to stacks are a 10 second download... upgrade to the player... once or twice a year, max...

I got my creator code from apple and so on Macs double clicking stacks will boot my player... (still need to get my head around windows doc/app binding) ...and I've deployed enough apps now that run under this "Himalayan Academy Stack Player" that I already starting to clobber my own globals and substacks. I had "Prefs" and "Dev Notes" substacks all over the place... so, now I'm doing a 4 ltr prefix taken from the main stack name ATRA-Prefs, ATRA-Dev Notes... but if you are working on conventions for this... I would follow...

Richard, for those who were not at RevCon. where is the full ball of wax? Andre gave me the files you shared at RevCon...

OK, down to earth again, to something real here:

gDateString... is already becoming too ambiguous where, for two different running stacks, it may need two different values. Or the even more ubiquitous "gFilePath"

If I understand the ECMI convention proposal correctly I should start using a double prefix as in:

<Company="HAP"> Himalayan Academy Publications

    # where do I go to register this officially with ECMI?

e.g. 1 <Main Stack Name= ATRA > Audio Transcriber.rev
e.g. 2: <Main Stack Name= PCAP> Photo Caption Writer.rev

What then does the global nameing convention become? (I do think separators help readability)


Am I close?

Yes, long and perhaps overkill in appearance, but I've enough grey whiskers now that start twitching when anything (folder names, file names, plans for web apps) go near the quicksand of ambiguity. I've been burnt too many times... I don't mind doing this at all!


p.s. can we consider changing the name of this thread?

On Jun 20, 2005, at 8:49 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

At present there are more dozens of prolific tool authors for the Rev community, and the number grows every month. There are a handful of issues with the development and deployment of tools that are common to all, and by choosing to adopt a few fully-optional rules about how things are put together we can collectively ensure robust and reliable performance for all of them.

In the case of the ECMI recommendations this goes a step further from simply not stepping on other tools to allowing graceful integration of various tools.

One should ideally be able to tailor their workspace with tools from any toolmaker, and expect that they'll all work without conflict. This is full realizable with little effort.

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