
Wednesday, June 22, 2005, 9:40:09 AM, you wrote:

DB> aWell bThis cIs dVery eInterresting.  fPerhaps gWe hCan iPropose
DB> jSomething kThat  lMakes mA nBit oMore pSense qBy rAddressing sThe
DB> tReal uIssues vBetween wWhat xUsers yNeed zTo aDo, bAnd cWhat  
DB> dTranscript eNeeds fTo gDo.

ROTFL. But I think more to the point would be

adjWell proThis vbIs advVery adjInteresting. adjPerhaps proWe vbCan
vbPropose nounSomething adjThat vbMakes artA nounBit adjMore nounSense
prepBy vbAddressing artThe adjReal nIssues adjBetween adjWhat
nounUsers vbNeed vbTo vbDo, conjAnd adjWhat nounTranscript vbNeeds
vbTo vbDo.

But the point isn't to try to read the code this way, it's more to try
to keep the developer out of trouble. For instance, if you have

put nounSomeValue into adjSomeVar

you can see right away that you're trying to stuff a noun into an
adjective container and that's probably not what you want to do. It
makes pinpointing problems easier. Once you're used to it, anyway.

-Mark Wieder

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