On 23 Jun 2005, at 09:43, Martin Baxter wrote:

Marielle Lange wrote:

Let's not start some arguing. Simple question: how many of you swear at your
computer. What platform are you using? If you happen to use different
platforms, how often do you swear when using each one of them

Right, few things are more boring than platform wars. I can honestly say that I swear at all my computers regularly, every day (24/7/365 - I take a day off in leap years) I swear at them for different reasons, but I detest them all equally.

Once upon a time I had one computer and we had a mutually- supportive love affair and we were faithful to one another. But we grew old. Now I have a computer for every day of the week and they are all cheating on me behind my back. They are always dialling some server I know nothing about (and talking dirty I suspect). Sometimes they won't let me in without a password, and other times they just won't communicate with me in any way at all. Computers are from Venus, Men are from the funny-farm.

I see you lead an interesting life, Martin. :)

I also dislike all my computers, but it's nothing compared to my feelings for printers.

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