Richard, et al:

So instead CompileIt! had its own unique syntax and hundreds of symbols one could use to implement things that were algorithmically very much like one would do in Pascal or C. Of course this required a whole other level of knowledge, and for those symbols related to the Mac Toolbox it also required the dozen-volume set of Inside Mac books, and/or the more efficient Think Library (which came with Think C)

Are you talking about the same CompileIt! (Rev 2.6.1) I used for years? There was very little difference between HyperTalk and CompileIt! syntax, except for things HyperTalk didn't support: variable typing, record structures, system call "glue".

My experience is that it is easily an order of magnitude more efficient to write externals in CompileIt! than C or Pascal--and I have professional experience programming in both other languages. If you are programming Mac Toolbox calls, you _will_ have to consult Inside Macintosh regardless of of the language you use. But one doesn't have to consult a dozen volumes unless one is implementing _all_ Toolbox calls. If I want to tap into Mac Program-to-Program Communications, for example, I need one volume: Interprocess Communication.

Finally, CompileIt! does not have hundreds of symbols to complete its includes hundreds of symbols that are _already_ defined in Inside Macintosh. If you're programming in another language, you will have to define the same symbols in an include file.

I'm really sorry your experience with CompileIt! was such that you didn't get it.

Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy

"Every so often something strange happens on a stretch of Gulf coast shoreline. Fish, crabs, and shrimp all but throw themselves into the arms, baskets, and hand nets of people wading in the beach surf... In a few hours a single person can collect a hundred pounds of shrimp... Gulf folks call it a ''jubilee.'' The reality, at least for the sea's creatures, is less jubilant. They aren't presenting themselves as gifts to man but trying desperately to escape suffocation."

-- Ocean's End
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