     I share your menu misery.
     When they work, as they seem to for most people in most situations, they 
really are brilliant. When they don't work....(colorful/colourful language 
     A couple things I've learned:
     Adding menus to a multi-card stack creates problems. If at all possible, 
add menus before adding cards.
     Don't put menus in the background group. It seems logical, particularly 
if you are adding a new menu to a stack with cards, why not just put the menu 
in the background group to have it appear on all of the existing cards (it 
will be automatically placed on any new ones) - but, don't do it. Copying the 
menu group card to card is also, in my experience, unreliable - better to 
a new one card stack with the new menu (or delete the existing stack down to 
one card) and import the data to the new cards.
     As for the height. If you the above fixes don't help and you have to 
"hard wire" the height, set it in an openStack handler - seems something 
to the stack height after the preOpenStack message is sent.
     Many times I've said "There must be a better way." And people have come 
up with clever workarounds but, as far as I know, none are well documented.
Paul Looney
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