On 6/27/05 2:40 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

If Tiger breaks hyperCard, it seems like it must break a lot of other Classic applications also, true?

I don't run Tiger, but this is what I have heard:

Under Tiger, the global file paths which are stored in the Home stack are no longer recognized. If your stacks depend on the Home stack globals, they break.

You can't open the script of the Home stack from within the Home stack. You can open it remotely, however (i.e., from some other stack, "edit script of stack Home" in the message box.)

Some report that you cannot edit ANY stack script from within that stack; they must all be accessed remotely as above.

Some report that Tiger 10.4.1 fixes the file path problems. Others say it doesn't.

Some report that running HC off a non-startup volume fixes things. Others say it doesn't.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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