I've run into a problem in 2.6 that caused me to lose everything since the 
previous save. Twice! Which just goes to show ya -- it takes repetition to 
teach an old dog new tricks. Very likely I'm the only twit who would actually 
follow the sequence of events I'll outline here, but just in case someone else 
does, don't! The end result is that I get myself into a position where I try to 
Save but instead, Rev immediately quits without saving anything. Don't know if 
this can be classed as a bug or just as something stupid not to do. But the 
problem can be reproduced with the following clever steps (BTW, I'm using 
Windows XP - which should have been punishment enough - and Rev 2.6):

1. Open a stack or start a new one.
2. Make some changes -- insert new objects, move objects around, etc.
3. Create a new button.
4. Open the script editor for that button and put something into it.
5. But now, you're thinking "I wonder if ..." and you think you'll take a look 
at something else in the stack behind the script editor. So you move the script 
editor out of the way. Note that the script has not been Applied because you're 
not finished with it yet. <-- BIG MISTAKE
6. You look at the "something else" in your stack and then realize you don't 
need that new button after all. So you delete the button (yeah -- its script is 
still open!)
7. Better save, right? So press Ctrl+S to save and thus the trouble begins.

At this point, a message opens in your unapplied script window: "The object you 
are editing appears to have been removed or deleted. Do you want to copy the 
text you are editing to the clipboard before closing this script?" along with a 
"Close" button and a "Copy and close" button. (A "Cancel" button would have 
been soooo nice!) So you click one of the buttons and then, to your amazement, 
everything disappears -- i.e., Rev quits and you lose all the changes you've 

Once I stopped pounding my head on the desk, I played around with this a bit 
and found that these seem to be the triggers that cause the problem:
a) Using 2.6 is a trigger -- in 2.5.1, the Save dialogue appears FIRST to let 
you save and the error only appears when you quit so there is no calamity.
b) Using Ctrl+S is a trigger -- if I use File | Save instead, the Save dialogue 
appears and lets you save.
c) Not applying script changes is a definite trigger -- if I Apply first, 
deleting the button has no severe effect even if its script is still open. I 
can even use Ctrl+S in this case and the stack will still save after the error 
message has been dismissed.

So the moral of this story, class, is to ALWAYS APPLY SCRIPT CHANGES before 
looking at something else even if you are not finished with the script.

... Ron

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