Dear Tom,

With respect, might I suggest that you are ranting about the ranting? I feel
a little responsible because I started the thread that heated up the
discussion. Also, I was the first to mention 'another language' (VB). But as
far as I remember, nobody was doing anything other than discussing the style
of the script editor and how perhaps it could be made more practical. To be
fair, I don't remember anyone running down Rev as a whole, or even
criticising the IDE. I share your indignation at some of the scandalous
generalizations that have been made on this List, and I think it is a pity.
But the other side of the coin is that comparisons with other languages is,
or should be, natural and normal, and I see no good reason for creating
taboos in this respect. A worse situation would be if Revolution became a
closed community, not admitting "foreign" influences, criticisms,
comparisons or suggestions. We all know what madness this leads to.


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