As Mark said, i too have used a myriad script editors, i too watched in
total delight the war of rants carpet bombing today's mailist delivery in
favor of more "single-minded" it-has-to-work-this-way-or-it-s-worthless
attitude. While this is a common MacOnly or PC-only user affliction, i've
seen some amazing quotables on this without any scientific or any kind of
common-sense background research to base them upon. PC users are quite a
pragmatic kind of CPU user. Other than the mindless or clueless users we
encounter in business, and homes or in some forums, the self-respecting PC
user is more like an expert in PCs whereas a Mac User is just a Design and
GUI ergonomics freak. 

I did my share of ranting about the RevScriptEditor and the GM but i was
totally put down by many. I wrote countless times to Kevin until he no
longuer wanted to hear from me. I wrote countless bugzillas to which very
few ever voted - probably due to my ranterPro image. Now, im just savouring
the moment without a word - but at least with a message to tell you that if
ANY of you want to work in multiplatform, you have to LEARN HOW the other
platform works. If it's not the Mac way, there is another way - and it's not
necessarily bad or millions of PC users wouldn't do it every day. I agree
before and still today, there's that feel of cheap quality in PC software
but there's also the fact that PCs are no longuer inferior to Macs. And
while Mac users refined the design of the OS and GUI, PC users have been
tuning their PCs to smoke anything for a lower price - and believe me, they
do! Mac's a no longuer leading the hardware - haven't since the PPC 604 (G2)
i would say. But that's besides the point - PC users like Mac users, want
the shortest route to their information - just like Regular editing as it
should work on a Mac or a PC. So a PC user confronted with a Mac editor is
missing almost half the keyboard shortcuts possible with a PC. And here, in
Rev, even Control-shift-arrowdown doesn't work in fields though if you know
what i mean ;) 

Here's a fact of life: editing with a keyboard - knowing your control-keys
or being able to alt-menuname-menuitem/arrow/keypad - is just about the
fastest way you can edit - without repeated trips to the mouse, the menu,
the menu item - wait for the menu, etc... 


I went from Mac to PC the moment I tried raphsody! Not because i didn't want
a NeXT OS finally running on my mac - which i really finally got! I even
managed to make a raphsody work fast (killing lots of processes) but it took
weeks to configure... And no apps.

Then i had to do a job on NT, took 1/4 administration course in NT
networking and hop, i was on the PC. Lots of reading! That's for sure. Lots
of try and fail - or careful reading - lots of weird stuff - but never more
than a crash a month or even a year on some pcs. I never saw a mac handle
that! ;) OK, NT is not W98 and I meant W2000. And the funniest thing is that
it took Moft until '98 to get a "clean and nicer OS that really runs! It's a
VMS engine under and they licenced the w95 gui from NeXT - so what do you
say to that?

Today, i work in an enterprise with over 6 teras of "files", i heard they
restore a 1-2 TB DB from testing 2-3 times a week, we have giga bit all
over, total security and audits, and im sure macs could fit in but the way
it's running now, the client's PC is a 100-200 thin client running on
metaframes - and that's 3000 clients... Lots of clients for Rev software
developpers but if your software feels less that lotus notes (the worst
enterprise software i've experienced), then you might not compete to other
developpers with standard "text editing" tools.

In fact in the banking business we still run lots of "terminal" accesses to
mainframes with no graphics whatsoever... Thanks for macros right? ;)

Enough said. Keep an open-mind - just as if you were traveling into another
country (you HAVE travelled to another country have you?) and DO TRY to
document yourself adequately on the OTHER world before bitching.

This is a great occasion where PC users may learn something like Mac users
like Unix like Linux, and so on. As far as im concerned, im working on a
revival of my Script Editor with more features than you could throw at! Plus
it comes with the context editors of TAOO so unlimited extensions and
libraries insertions, convertions, translations coloring, hierarchical views
of the code or addon-props/objs/values/etc, and an auto-type like i've still
haven't seen out there!

It's a shame i had to take such a long route to get back to the original mod
i made of the MC editor but it's also the best i've done to correct the
current editors' lack of editing-ease and bring in all the features "i"

Anyway, i hope this is more productive than some of the regular blabla we
hear or features we are forced to use (whether on PCs or in Rev = double
whamy if you use both)! I guess that leaves Mac users on a good looking but
slow self-guided missile and linux users in the zen-nowhere since we still
hear so little about them in the list. And i thought OSX would change that!

So, my multiplatform approach? Write my own OS in Rev! Then I can script any

Ready for it? contains the whole taoo release. 

Want to try? Want to help? Want to sponsor a bigger thing than just
cross-plaform compatibility - but an extensible cross-platform app-based
productivity OS - based on the RevIDE?

Im talking the whole TAOO release. No download errors since it's the
PHP-directory in the raw. It's all in the raw... It's ready for the serious

But as far as i've seen, more are willing to rant and no-one is willing to
dig in and explore a new environment like before in the good old days whence
we dissected any app (remember resedit? I even had disasembly modules - too
cool!) to discover how they worked or what they did! TODAY, it's spelled out
in english in front of you and you can't even google it because we are such
a bunch of lazy scripters! Is this professional? When i ranted i had a
"business" justification as a PC and enterprise user. My enterprise
requirements and SLA testing is done with my personal Rev IDE license. And
it took a whole year before Rev started doing what i told Kevin in a private
letter. So we see the result today and no, im not laughing at Kevin or
anyone. I think the lesson has been learned by all.

It's a sad day to see more rant on the list than something new and cool  -
but hey, it's your waste of time to respond and incite the battle ;)! I got
home, poured a glass of and delighted in bringing you this
hopefully mind-opening prose, i hoped you liked it! Now, back to work on my
new script editor - please dont ask unless you want to help along.

cheers to all
may the computing bug be with you
Xav - the next revolution ;)

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