> Bonjour,
> Souhaitant acquérir Runtime Révolution, j'ai été surpris du 
> manque (et c'est peu dire) de ressources concernant ce logiciel.
> Où est la communauté française des développeurs ?

<quote him>

Hoping to aquire RR, i was suprised at the lack of (if not understated) of
resources regarding this app.

Where is the french developper community?
<end of quote>


We have developpers from all over the world: Brazil, Japan, Belgium, France,
Italy, Germany, Spain?, The Dominican Republic even! Talk about bananawares
or macaronis or spaghettis or script a la bearnaise, this is it, and in

"Pourquoi?" might you questionnes moi? (no, im not making fun of you, just
having fun with words which is a second-thousandth degree joke on any
monolingual society - just enjoy the laughter of the list that might respond
positively (i hope) to the mail ;)

Mais it is becoze le language of RunRevve is en english!

And seriously speaking, you CAN scriptit it in French or spanish or wallon
(frrrom wherrre im frrrome) or even bavarian Deutsch if you want but in the
future, if you want to share the true essence of runrev, and learn from
everyoneelse's (great guy) scripts, it's best to use the lingua franca used
in this great Graphical multimedia (speech anyone?) world... And you'll
learn something new every day in both english and programming science ;)

I certainly wish you the welcome, RunRev is a "real" challenge and quite
well supported by a great list and a great development team (i admit!)...
But is Director so dead already?

is this
doable in RunRev? That's my next challenge! But certainly
not like in Director, but there's always a way...


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