
> Hi Xavier,
> Me again ;-)

Hi again Marielle ;)

> from http://monsieurx.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=178
> "If you know what bittorent did for media sharing, imagine 
> what this can do for your scripting or applications' building 
> or sharing..."
> Exactly... that's what I believe should be done as well. 
> Ok... PRACTICALLY, how do we get there? What are the 
> different steps to follow and actions to take?

Im writing a few "readme firsts" to get into it... And a visual demo to help
understand the infrastructure.

I also need to comment all my code because i have a doubt some will try to
understand what some scripts will do by the handler and parameter names
alone (i also have to re-align my parameters name-wise)

Then i'll send you the url so you can dig in unless you are curious enough -
there are no complicated scritps in TAOO - that's for sure! ;)

> Note that I doubt of your chance to claim copyright on the 
> concept. This kind of ideas is *all over the place*.

True, but so far, none has "ALL" the TAOO ideas or capabilities in place
because none really did a top-to-bottom approach to CMS or KM with a
similarly capable environment as Rev or HyperCard... The one that had it
closes was Frontier - but it had no "real" gui and it was rather confusing. 

Can you copyright innovation? Anyway, the way it is today, you can't
copyright or even patent anything without it being circumventable (see
industrial economics and "patent circumvention" or "first to market"),
without having any big company that might copy it, etc... The japanese say
that business is a game of war. Well, im laying out the battlefield in my
favor first... 

All this may take a while if "we" dont take a distributed approach (which is
what i had planned in the late 80's already!) but we must first seed an
interest in this framework and for what it can be used in what cases. I use
it as a framework for data-management at home and as a Disk-space / NT
server, shares, user administrative tool at work. Im currently adapting it
for Advanced directory management and might even attack HSM storage if
needed. It's just a matter of objects ;)


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