I get the digest, and here's how the header ofyour last message looks to me, with your address in the clear:

Message: 9
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:40:34 -0500
From: Stephen Barncard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SPAM
To: How to use Revolution <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Fixing that would be a Good Thing, but there's no help for the larger problem: Anybody who has sent you off-list email using that address from a Windows machine has to be ever-vigilant with protection against spyware/malware. Its even worse if you are in their M$ address book.

This will make you feel better: My server bounces about 250 per _hour_ that are to my domain but not my username. I run Spamfire on my mac and it takes out another 300-400 per day. I only have to toss about 30 per day that get through all that. would catch nearly all of those, but its just as easy for me to zap 'em in Spamfire.

Just be glad you didn't pick a keyboard finger-twiddle for a domain like I did, back when the internet was a nice place and it was sort of cool to have a short domain name.

Jerry Jensen

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