Having a little trouble with external writing. For some odd reason I can't get the imageData of an image by it's ID, the compiler always fails.

  GetVariableEx(args[0], emp, &image, &retvalue);
  // This one works because it's getting the imageData from a variable

  image = GetImageByID("", args[0], &retvalue);
  // Results in an error.  "Incompatable Types in Assignment"

I'm also trying to get the image's width and Height, and have the following results...

  width = atoi(args[1]);
  // Works because the image width is Argument #2

  width = EvalExpr("the width of img 1", &retValue);
  // Gives a bunch of errors regarding "&retValue"

So does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?  Thanks!

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress
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