
You are right! I am trying to turn it down four notches. Thanks for the calm post.

I just threw your comments on top of a rather large pile (IMO) and after reading your post again, I see that that was not fair to do.

Thanks for being on this list and offering your professional and calm support.


On Jun 30, 2005, at 10:02 PM, Dennis Brown wrote:

Please turn your sensitivity knob down two notches and stop stirring up the pot. My comments were not meant to insult or be rude to anyone, and in rereading them, I can't see that they are, but you have labeled them so. You are actually inciting more discussion and rudeness than you are preventing. I am only trying to provide helpful suggestions for how to separate one generic type of discussion from another for the benefit of the people who come to this list to get the very helpful and appreciated advice of the "old hands".

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.9, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.6

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