Aha! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, Eric.
Also, thanks for the great tutorials, plugins, etc. on your web site -- very 
helpful and useful!

... Ron

*** From: Eric Chatonet  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
*** Dated: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 18:03:30 +0200

 Hi Ron,

 Have a look at the commandKeyDown message.
 This message has a parameter which corresponds to the key pressed:

 on commandKeyDown pKey
    if pKey id not an integer then pass commandKeyDown
 end commandKeyDown

 This one will trap all numeric keys.
 There is no cross-platform difference to manage since the engine will
 understand the command key on Mac OS and the control key on all other
 You will have a look to navigation with the arrow keys too :-)
 Hope this helps.

 Le 1 juil. 05 à 17:49, Ron Noice a écrit :

 > There's probably a simple way to do this but I'm missing it. I want
 > to prevent the end user from being able to use Ctrl+1 ... Ctrl+4 to
 > navigate through the cards in the stack. This would happen more by
 > accident than on purpose but would be very confusing to the user.
 > Everything in this application is accessed through card 1 and while
 > other cards are created on-the-fly to hold data, that data is not
 > formatted for viewing and not intended to be seen. So how can I
 > stop the navigation keys from navigating? Thanks. (It will be a Win
 > XP standalone if that makes a difference.)

 Best Regards from Paris,

 Eric Chatonet.
 So Smart Software

 For institutions, companies and associations
 Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
 Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

 Free plugins and tutorials on my website
 Web site        http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/
 Email       [EMAIL PROTECTED]/
 Phone        33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
 Mobile        33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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