Also the sizeList returned by the getHSizes function should be sorted numeric descending for enlarging textsize and ascending for reducing textsize, lest not to lose some initial size differences of 1


on changeTextSize inc
-- make the tags that will set text to the effective textSize in force put "<font size=" & quote & the effective textSize of fld 1 & quote & ">" into openTag
  put "</font>" into closeTag
  -- get the html
  put the htmltext of fld 1 into ttext
  --this next block sets size tags for all the unsized text
  replace "</font>" with "</font>" & openTag in ttext
  replace "<font size=" with closeTag & "<font size=" in ttext
  replace closeTag & closeTag with closeTag in ttext
   --ugly, i know, but I could'nt see a better way
  put openTag after char 3 of ttext
  -- puts openTag after the intial <p> tag
  --now get all the size values from the size tags
  --via the getHSizes function
  put getHSizes(ttext) into sizeList

      if inc < 0 then sort sizeList numeric ascending    #####
      else sort sizeList numeric descending    #####

  if sizeList is not empty then
        if "8" is among the lines of sizeList and inc > 0 then
             exit to top
         end if
    repeat for each line L in sizeList
      put quote & L & quote into pSize
      put quote & L+inc & quote into nSize
replace "<font size=" & pSize with "<font size=" & nSize in ttext
    end repeat
  end if
  set the htmltext of fld 1 to ttext
end changeTextSize

function getHSizes tt
  put empty into sizeList
  -- turn each tag into an item
  replace "<" with numToChar(28) in tt
  replace ">" with numToChar(28) in tt
  set the itemDelimiter to numToChar(28)
  repeat for each item i in tt
    if "font size=" is in i then
      --if the item is a font size tag then
      --get the value inside the quotes ie font size="14"
      put offset(quote,i) +1 into startChar
      put offset(quote,i,startchar) into endChar
      put char startChar to (startChar + endChar -1) of i into fSize
if fSize is not among the lines of sizeList then put fSize & cr after sizeList
    end if
  end repeat
  return char 1 to -2 of sizeList
end getHSizes

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