Xin chào Ban,

Xin chào Klaus,

I am new to Revolution. I am building an audio player. So far I got the play, stop, next, previous buttons work

Do you have any idea to do the pause button and I want to use the slider to control the audio id user want to play fast or play back (you know what I mean)

you mean the user clicks (and holds the mouse!) on the fastforward button
and the sound plays very fast, until the user releases the mouse again?

To be able to control the sound like you want to, you must use a "player“ object! If you just use "play ac xyz" then you do not have much control over the playback!
No fast forward/backward etc...

In that case i use a button (2 buttons, on for forward and one for backwards)
with this script, this is the fastforward button:

on mousedown
   set the playrate of player "your audio playername here" to 2
  ## plays double speed...
  ## This is the "normal" behaviour of such a button, i think ;-)
end mousedown

on mouseup
    set the playrate of player "your audio playername here" to 1
end mouseup

on mouserelease
  set the playrate of player "your audio playername here" to 1
end mouserelease

That's all :-)
set the playrate of ... to -2

In the fast backward button.

I want to have a volume control to control the sound

Simply use a "slider", vertical of horizontal.

Set the startvalue to 0
The endvalue to 100

And put this into the script of the slider:

on scrollbardrag t_value
set the playloudness of player "your audio playername here" to t_value
end scrollbardrag

Done :-)

The message "scrollbardrag" is being sent to Revolution continuously
while the user drags the slider. The message can have 1 parameter,
the current value of the slider, so this script will work in realtime.

Hope this helps.

BTW I am using the scrolling list field to list the audio files and let user click on each works

Please help
Thank you

Không có chi. (I just love Google ;-)


Klaus Major

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