Hello Chris,

Here is a piece of code (from Frederic Rinaldi I think) which can get you started:
theFolder: path to the root folder you want to scan
addFullPath : boolean to get absolute (true) or relative path (false)
allInfos : boolean to get all information (true) or path only (false)

item 2 & 3 in the returned list with allInfos=true are the file size (data fork with Mac OS) and the resource fork size (Mac OS only, 0 for others)

function AllFiles theFolder,addFullPath,allInfos
  --returns full path of all enclosed files
  local startFolder
  set cursor to busy
  if last char of theFolder is not "/"
  then put "/" after theFolder
  if startFolder is empty
  then put theFolder into startFolder

  set the defaultFolder to theFolder
  if the result is not empty
answer error "Répertoire inexistant:" & return & return & theFolder titled "Erreur"
    exit to top
  end if

  put the detailed files into filesList
  filter filesList without ".*"
  filter filesList without "Icon%0D*"
  filter filesList without "*,MACSfdrp" -- remove folder aliases

  put the folders into foldersList
  filter foldersList without ".*"

  repeat for each line loopFolder in foldersList
put AllFiles(thefolder & loopFolder & "/",addFullPath,allInfos) & return after resultList
  end repeat

  repeat with i=number of lines of filesList down to 1
    -- set cursor to busy
    if addFullPath
    then put MyURLEncode(theFolder) before line i of filesList
    if allInfos = false
    then put item 1 of line i of filesList into line i of filesList
  end repeat

  get resultList & filesList
  sort lines of it
  return word 1 to -1 of it -- strip empty lines
end AllFiles
function MyURLEncode what
  put URLEncode(what) into what
  replace "%2F" with "/" in what
  return what
end MyURLEncode

Le 13 juil. 05 à 10:15, Chris Carroll-Davis a écrit :

Iit's for both Mac & PC really - but mainly mac at the moment. Since posting, I've found that I can get the info I need with applescript - "Tell application "Finder" ... return physical size of folder "Folderpath" ... End tell", but of course that's no good for PC. I could look at your suggestion, but I need this to run on any machine - i.e. I can't rely on any other software being installed. :-(

Looks like I might have to bite the bullet and do it with transcript eventually. Yuk. I know for a decent programmer it is an easy job, but I'm getting old and brain is slow!



Hello folks -

Anyone know if there is an easy way in Rev of getting the size of a
folder (together with all it's sub-folders).  I know I can do a loop
using "detailed files" and "detailed folders" but that seems a bit
long-winded, and I'm sure I'd be re-inventing the wheel!  Is there
another way, or is there an existing function anywhere that I can pinch?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
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