
I know nothing about this situation, other than what I read in the past day or two, but it seems to me that, tone aside, some of what Paul is saying IS professional.

That's exactly the point. The tone is not aside, and it wasn't subtle. It was an angry, rude, demanding rant. Saying "I don't mean to hurt you" is pretty pointless right before you intentionally step on someone's foot.

He explained to Jan specifically what his customers needed, and hoped that Jan had listened. As to "trite remarks about ... missed deadlines", I'm not so sure that such remarks, if they're true, are trite.

Truth has nothing to do with whether they were trite. Calling them trite means they were overused and lost their meaning due to the angry, unprofessional presentation. Shouting weakens your point sometimes.

Explaining to the rest of us that a particular developer may not meet announced deadlines, while depressing, is actually useful to "professional" programmers who need to plan their schedules carefully.

Again, I never said that all of the content of the posts was false. Software schedules are notorious for slippage, and it's bad form to have your development rely on any unreleased software at all. If someone can calmly show me where a particular vendor is notoriously worse than others, with some real evidence, I'm all ears. Otherwise, it's hearsay.

I know nothing about Jan or the product, but sometimes the knee jerk reaction on this list is "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything". I'm not sure that is really in anyone's best interest.

No. If there is a valid criticism, just present it in civil manner. It happens several times a day every day on this list, and it works quite well.

Hey, don't get me wrong. If anyone wants to exercise their right to voice their opinion in whatever tone they want, there's nothing I can do about it. But the heck if it makes me want to help them, which is what this list is all about. And that's a pity.

The signal to noise ratio on this list is damn good, and I would hate for that to change. With that said, I think I've put in my 2 cents.

Brian Yennie
Chief Technology Officer
QLD Learning, LLC

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