On Jul 20, 2005, at 6:26 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

You can either go through the word list and see if any match the elements, or you could go through the element list, making combinations and matching them to the words. I discarded this idea because the maths involved in working out all the permutations & combinations has long since flowed out of my brain, but I wonder if anyone else thought of using this method? Instinctively I feel it would take longer, but there are 3620 words and only 97 elements.

If I remember right, that would be 97! / 5! x (97-5)!. And that -- if I'm *also* getting the arithmetic right -- would mean 64,446,024 ten- letter words to check. Looks like everyone's instinct to go the other way was sound.

Charles Hartman
Professor of English, Poet in Residence
Connecticut College
*the Scandroid* is at cherry.conncoll.edu/cohar/Programs.htm

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