The internal order in which keys are stored in a custom prop is not
sorted alphabetically

Oh boy...

It's often not so bad. Associative arrays are often addressed by the key name, so sequential order wouldn't affect that one way or another.

If you need sequential access you can use numeric keys.

Ermm... :-)

Okay, in my state of blissful ignorance I had assumed that arrays were effectively arranged in a spreadsheet-like manner. The array name is the spreadsheet (in this way of thinking), the keys are like a set of column headings, and the elements are the bits of data in each cell. I hope I'm not too off-target here! <g>
Anyway, an example of data in this layout, assuming it isn't just bonkers:

Record   Title   ISBN   Author   Editor  Comments
1        ABC     123    Tim      Tom     Lots of blahblah...
2        House   345    Mick     Mark    Different blahblah...

Can I extract every record number and title in order to search for just titles? (I'm imagining that I'd need to know which record ID a found item was in to be able to pull the full record.)

The rough idea in my head right now is to store the data in an array in a project:

* People read it, showing one record at a time by either clicking through sequentially or by searching for specific things. The elements from that record are retrieved from the array and put into the right fields as each record is shown.

* If someone wants to edit a record a flag is set in its part of the array so others can't do the same to that record. When editing is done, the different fields are written back to their respective elements in the array.

* New records are made by writing new 'lines' in the array. They are then available for others to come across as they browse the data collection.

In the opinion of those that have tried this sort of thing and/or worked with arrays, is this a moderately sensible approach?

the ever-learning k
(who's wife is waiting for a magic solution to the problem. Doh! :-)
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