I am stuck trying to meet a deadline and can't remember some trivia about textcolor property applied to text within a field. For some reason this worked last night, but now as I am getting ready to distribute.. no go.

Task > setting the textcolor of items in a field in a group this way

using tabStops +
set itemDel to tab
--these work
set the backgroundcolor of fld AA of bg "betDisplayA" to pink
set the textcolor of fld AA of bg "betDisplayA" to darkblue

--does not work on this field, but does on others
set the textcolor of word 2 of line 2 of fld AA of bg "betDisplayA" to green

works from the message box
set the textcolor of word 1 of line 2 of fld comingAttractions to green set the textcolor of item 2 of line 3 of fld comingAttractions to green

Jim, I don't know if this makes any difference, but I always use forecolor to set the color of text.

I can successfully set the color of text in a field that is a member of a group, but I don't have the group specified in the script. Do you have to use the group's name?

Other workarounds you could try would be to specify a range of words or a range of characters and see if this worked. Or try using the RGB values for the color. Or try setting the color of your chunk to empty first and then setting the new color. None of these should be necessary, but as you are approaching your deadline, I thought I would offer them as things to try.

And finally, to cheer you up, a quote from Douglas Adams: "I love deadlines - I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." :-)

Good luck,

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