
You're confusing how hard something is to learn, versus how hard it is to use day in and day out.

It's proven highly modal systems are the easiest to learn (ATM machine), but you wouldn't want a bank teller to have to use one 8 hours a day! In fact, when the Mac first came out (I purchased the first one in Houston), it was unique in it's mostly non-modal approach, and NOT intuitive in the least to use. Of course, once one took the time to 'learn' the interface, productivity soared.


Judy Perry wrote:

Every day there are people who are new to computers who are learning to
use them.  I once had a retired cardiac surgeon take the 'how to turn it
on' class.  It happened to be on the PC platform.  He got so confused over
the two buttons that he ended up dropping the class.

Clearly, he was not a stupid man.  And then there's children still
learning their left from their right.  And then there's the elderly, with
perhaps diminishing fine motor control (this was one of several issues at
play with respect to the surgeon).
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