Hi Charles,

Try to copy your group to cd ID 1002 of stack <My Substack>
ID 1002 should be the first card (check this before)
In a preOpenstack handler in this substack:
place group "lineImage" onto cd 2

For sure, your copy was placed on the first card and you can't place this group onto this card since it's already there :-)
You should understand the second option in the error message.
Don't forget that you can check all this in the application browser.

Le 4 août 05 à 16:29, Charles Hartman a écrit :

I know my explanation was a mess; sorry.

Following your Place suggestion (thanks, I'd forgotten that command), I've tried this: 1. in a handler in the main stack, copy the correct group to the substack (NOT a card in a substack); rename it (from "lineimagegroup7" or "lineimagegroup3" or whatever
    to "lineImage")
2. in the openCard handler in the substack, issue a command "place group 'lineImage'
    of this stack onto this card"
When I do that, I get an error message: "group is not in this stack or is already on this card".

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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