I've got a complicated dialog (too complicated! but it will look simple to the user I think), and I can't figure out how best to design it to deal with the messaging system.

This card in the dialog has a column of half a dozen check-boxes, and a column of a dozen or so radio buttons in a group. The user will click a check box (probably all of them all in turn, but in any order). Each time one is checked, I clear the hilite from the grouop of radio buttons, and the user picks one of them. (There's a right radio-button answer for each check-box; it's a tutorial.)

So I want is that when the user clicks a check-box, I wait until the user picks one of the radio buttons (or maybe until the user picks the correct one -- that's a detail I can decide later on UI grounds). What's the best way to do this? The "wait" command? If so, I assume I'd put it in the handler for each check-box, and I guess I'd have to make the radio-button group emit a custom message when a button (or the right button) is pressed. Is that right, or even close to right?

Thanks as always for any help.

Charles Hartman

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