I have this group consisting of 3 items:

a round rect, a freehand poly (together they make a balloon), and a text label.

I have 2 profiles: LevelA and LevelB

On the group, the profiles change the rect of the group (i.e. move the bubble and enclosed caption).

The label field also has 2 profiles, LevelA and LevelB. This changes the Content of the label (i.e., htmlText).

When I switch between the two profiles, the profiles on the field all of a sudden gain a rect property and the text moves farther and father outside of the balloon with each switch.

I delete the rect property from each profile of the field and from the master and it keeps appearing.

The end result is (with the results simulate din text to the right:

revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>    (  tex)t
revSetStackProfile "LevelB" =>   te(st  )
revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>    (     t)ext
revSetStackProfile "LevelB" => tes(t    )
revSetStackProfile "LevelA" =>     (      )  text

I have another, identical group that doesn't behave this way. It is almost like the rectangle property is being cached someplace and being reattached to the profiles in the text field.

Any thoughts?

Peter T. Evensen
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