
You've gotten some good feedback already. We use the iMic with
Plantronics A-90 headsets to do audio recording. The quality is fine.

Once you have set the audio input in System Preferences, you don't
need Rev to do that any more. It becomes troublesome anyway, since
your users may not all have the same USB device, which the system would
list, and I have not found a way in Rev to go out and poll for the options.

There are three things I would suggest looking into:

set the recordSampleSize to 16 -- 8 just sounds scratchier and tinnier

As Tom said, "mp4a" may not be the best (or even any) choice for compression.
Although QuickTime Pro can compress files with that codec, I am not sure
it is available for other applications (like Rev) to use. I have realistically only been able to compress audio from within Rev with IMA 4:1. The two MACE options are scratchy, and Qualcomm sounds hollow, but it's usable. Perhaps you can just save the files
with no compression and use QuickTime to compress them as mp4a files...

BTW, the recordFormat property only deals with file types. From the docs:

The recordFormat is one of the following:

        aiff    records a file in AIFF format
        wave    records a file in WAV format
        ulaw    records a file in AU format
        movie   records a file in QuickTime format

So, that would not be where you set the compression. Use the recordCompression property instead.

Finally, if you use any compression at all, you cannot use the "play" command in Rev to play it back. You just get screeches. Use a QuickTime player instead. Set the filename of the player to your tSoundFile and play it pack through the player.

  set the recordRate to 22.050 --the uSampleRate of me
   set the recordChannels to 1 --the uRecordChannels of me
   set the recordSamplesize to 8 --the uSampleSize of me
   set the recordFormat to "mp4a" --the uRecordFormat of me

   if fld  "soundFileName" is empty then
     answer "You need to set a sound file name." with "OK"
     exit  mouseup
   end  if

   if the short name of me = "Record" then
     set the recordInput to "dflt"


Daniel B. Soneson
Director, Language Lab
Southern CT State University
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