Thought I'd chime in here...

I found that the Google method of testing an internet connection is somewhat slow and does increase the access numbers to Google thus inflating their stock price (last part was a jest).

When I have an application that has data on a website, i put a text file on the site that has a single byte in it: the numeral one (1). I then get the data from this file on my server (using URL) to verify my connection which is SUPPOSED to be to this server anyway.

Like so:

function haveIPconnect
    put URL ""; = 1 into haveIPconnection
    if haveIPConnection is false then
answer warning "Either our server is down (unlikely) or you have no connection to the internet."
    end if
    return haveIPconnection
end haveIPconnect

On Aug 19, 2005, at 6:33 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Jon wrote:
> I actually started doing just as you suggested (getting Google) when no > one else chimed in. Works fine, although I wonder how fond the folks at
> Google are at us hammering away at them all of the time <grin>

Well, they just issued umpty-gazillion new shares of stock today, so I'd think they would welcome the business. ;)

Seriously though, if you don't want to rely on a third-party web site, the technique works just as well if you get a 1K text file from your own server.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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