If you mean a row of tools (icons) at the top of a window, you can just put a bunch of buttons there. If you mean some sort of floating palette, then you need to make a sub stack of your main stack, set the decorations as desired, and populate it with a row of buttons...

Is this what you mean?


ps. Having to type
MessageDlg("Hello World", mtInformation, [mbYes, mbNo),0);'
rather than
answer "Hello World" with "Yes" or "no"
doesn't sound like being spoilt :)

On 29 Aug 2005, at 14:58, Scott Kane wrote:

Hi all,

Just wondering if anybody knows of
a stack or procedure for creating
OSX toolbars.  You can do this
in RealBaisic (Yuck!) as they
have sublassed the control from
the OS.

Note it needs to be clear (not
opaque) and as easy as possible
for me as a Rev newbie.  Ten
years in Delphi has spoilt me
in terms of available widgets
and scripts that look like
MessageDlg("Hello World", mtInformation, [mbYes, mbNo),0);

That's not  a complain against transcript,
it just seems to take bigger learning curve as
we have to "unlearn" how we do things on some ways.


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