On Sep 15, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

you need the MLXEditor from Alex Rice at MindLube software:

MLXEditor is great but one drawback (as Stephen mentioned) is that it can be a pain to debug with since by default, your external editor is opened whenever the Rev debugger tries to kick in. You can hold down the shift key to bypass MLXEditor and use the default Rev editor but it still makes debugging difficult.

There is a simple fix though. Here is a modification you can make in order to bypass MLXEditor whenever the debugger is being used. So while editing scripts in your external editor you can type "breakpoint" anywhere in your code, save the script, return to Rev and when you run the script the Rev debugger will open. Just make sure you close the debugger before editing the script in the external editor again.

Here is what you do after installing MLXEditor:

1) type the following in the message box and execute it:

edit script of card 3 of stack "revmlxeditor"

2) Change the script to:

local sDebugging = "false"

on traceBreak
    put true into sDebugging

    pass traceBreak
end traceBreak

on editScript pID
    get sDebugging
    put false into sDebugging

    if it then pass editScript -- use built-in script editor/debugger
if shiftKey() = "down" then pass editScript -- use builtin script editor

    -- default to external script editor
    send "doEditScript pID" to stack "revMLXEditor"
end editScript

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

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