My current development strategy is to use hypercard for classic and then port
to metacard for windows and os x. It seems a workable strategy. However I keep
hoping for transcript as a scripting language (a tag like <script
language="transcript">) or a way to run a stack from within the browser. So far
I'm not seeing this happening. 

This semester I'm off to learn java. I'm hoping however to find the simplest
and easiest IDE out there (classic, os x or windows) to do so. I don't want the
latest and greatest -- in fact, I want the simplest and smallest. I'm hoping
someone here might be able to tell me:

a) Whether and where an integrated visual IDE for java could be found -- of
course, ideally it would be like hypercard with a palette to choose interface
elements (buttons, fields, movies, images) and for scripting them.
b) A simple java for compiling applets. I don't need or even want to make java
standalones! I want not to have to choose between the various development
possibilities that java offers -- all I want is to compile simple applets. If I
wanted to build standalone apps I would use hypercard/revolution for that. But
I don't think there is a good hypercard/revolution solution for online
distribution (i.e. you cannot yet run a stack from within a browser).

I know some people were working on a java hypercard. So maybe they might have
some ideas?

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