Hi Charles,

Thanks for the SQLite pointer, in any case. But $149 for the plugin is not what I would call "inexpensive."

You can use the concepts of relational databases without using mySQL. That is you use some textfields to be the equivalent of a mySQL database.

Assume that the basic record (in the database sense) is Album -- so the basic design is one card per Album. Each Album includes a list of Tunes (besides Artist/Group and Label/Date/EtcData). Each Tune is associated with one or more Writers, and also with a list of Players, each of whom is associated with an Instrument. So we've got at least four fundamental types of data lists -- player, instrument, tune-title, writer -- and some items that combine fundamental items in many-to-one relation.

The rule for relational db is that any information that can occur more than once within a column should be encoded by an ID, with a second database being created that holds information about (space consuming) details for this ID. At least one column should have a unique ID (usually the first column in the db)

This should give something like this (draft, not guaranteed to be exact).

DB 1: Album composition
TuneID    AlbumID    TuneDetails
(as Album ID is used, it is ok if a same tune can occur in two different albums)
Tune1    Album1    DetailsT1 (over multiple columns)
Tune2    Album1    DetailsT2
Tune3    Album2    DetailsT3

DB 2: Album Information
AlbumID    GroupID    Label    Date
Album1    Group1    Label    Date    Etc

DB 3: Groups ID
GroupID    MembersID    website
Group1   Person1    URL1

DB4: Persons details
(this is assuming a same person cannot be player and writer... otherwise Role needs to be replaced with RoleID and a new db created to hold details about roles)
PersonID    Role     FirstName    LastName Details (dob, url, etc.)
Person1    Player    John            Doe    xxx

DB5  - Tune's writer
TuneID      WriterID
Tune1    Person2
Tune2    Person3
Tune2    Person4

DB6  - Tune's player
TuneID   PlayerID
Tune1    Person1
Tune2    Person14
Tune2    Person36

Any suggestions about the best approach to the internals of this? I'm not clear whether, for example, custom properties are up to the demands of what's essentially a relational database . . .

Text fields are probably easier to manipulate than custom properties (at least during the design stage, when you want to debug your data handling routines). You can very rapidly sort a text field on a given column, which means you have easily at hand the list of all writers of a given tune, ore all the tunes written by a given writer.

You can have a look at tree_view (http://revolution.lexicall.org/ stacks_education.php) for a (simplified) example of handling a relational database structure with textfields. I updated it today to fix some minor bugs. You have there sorting functions and functions to find the corresponding entries in the related databases.

People here have convinced me not to write a whole relational database manager from scratch (that didn't take much).

If you don't have that many records (less than 1000 tunes) and you don't attempt to create a completely generic solution (i.e. an application that can manage any set of interelated databases), you should be able to handle this with textfields and this shouldn't take more than a week to program (I mean for a version that works for you; not one of professional standards).


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