1. Clicking the "go away" box in the window of a stack should close it (and any substacks). In other words, clicking the close box should close the stack. Clicking the box in a substack should hide it. 2. You can do whatever you want with modals - probably Show and Hide, as needed. 3. If the stack is loaded but not visible, just Show Stack - no need to close or unload.
Ken seems to have all the bases covered.
Paul Looney

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Brenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: How to use Revolution <>
Sent: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:27:42 +0200
Subject: Re: destroyStack, was: Stack Switching Question

  >On 10/6/05 3:23 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>> Jeanne, 
>> It got 5 of my votes as well. 
>> But I think there is more confusion here. 
>Paul, I think the open/close and load/purge ideas are great, with a few  >minor changes (plus I've included other terms in use to get an overview of 
>the situation): 
>load stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Loads stack into memory, does not display it, does not get listed in the 
>'openstacks'. [Resulting status: loaded] 
>unload stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Removes stack from memory (Note: does not work on 'open' stacks.) 
>[Resulting status: closed] 
>open stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Loads stack into memory, makes it visible, locks stack from other users, 
>adds entry to 'openStacks'. [Resulting status: open] 
>open inv[isible] stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Loads stack into memory, keeps it hidden, locks stack from other users, 
>adds entry to 'openStacks'. [Resulting status: open] 
>close stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Releases lock on stack, removes the stack image from the screen, unloads  >the stack from memory, removes the entry from the 'openStacks'. [Resulting 
>status: closed] 
>close stack <stackDescriptor> and remain resident 
> Releases lock on stack, removes the stack image from the screen, removes  >the entry from the 'openStacks', but keeps the stack in memory. [Resulting 
>status: loaded] 
>hide stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Hides the stack image from the screen. (Note: does not work on closed 
>stacks.) [Resulting status: open] 
>show stack <stackDescriptor> 
> Shows the stack image. (Note: does not work on closed stacks.) 
>[Resulting status: open] 
>That's my 2 cents... 
Not really wanting to prolong this but... 
What happens when user clicks the close box of a stack window? Is the stack closing or hiding? 
How is this going to work with a substack that is shown repeatedly as a modal dialog or a palette upon some user action, so it should stay in memory? Many of my dialog stacks (particularly modeless) use openstack to initialize things and closestack to wrap things up. 
What happens if the stack was loaded but then needs to be shown to user? Does it have to be first unloaded before opening? 
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