Message: 17
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 17:26:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Question on message handling
To: Use Revolution List <>
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On 10/12/05 2:22 PM, "Jim Hurley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 What  puzzles me is that the card apparently gets the keyDown message
 before the field does. That is exactly what I am looking for, but I
 don't quite  see why. If I'm typing in a field, why doesn't the
 field get the message before the card? Is that the priority that is
 set when the text is not locked, i.e. card first, field last?

No... in fact I created a simple test stack with a field with this script:

on keyDown
  put "Field" after msg
  pass keydown
end keyDown

and a card script that said:

on keyDown
  put "Card" after msg
  pass keydown
end keyDown

And when I clicked in the field, the message box read:


So the field is definitely getting the message first (which is what I would

Ken Ray

Jacque and Ken,

Yes, I see. I'm afraid I expressed myself badly--and incorrectly.

I am working on a transcription stack, i.e. a stack which will speak an audio file while the user types what he or she hears into a field. There is no field script. The card script is:

on keyDown theKey

switch theKey
case "/"
  send "mouseUP" to button "pause"
case "\"
  send "mouseUP" to button "resume"
  pass keyDown
end switch

end keyDown

When the user types a "/" the speech pauses. When the user types "\" the speech resumes--actually it backs up a little bit and then resumes. The keyboard replaces the usual foot pedal in transcription hardware.

What I found surprising (and welcome) is that the back and forward slashes never appear in the field. The key stroke is never passed back to the field for display after it is caught by the card script. (It would be if there were a "pass keyDown" in the first two case statements.) So apparently the field gets the message first, then then card (as you both say) and then, if the key stroke is passed by the card script, it is passed back to the field display for viewing. I was wrong to speak of this last message as part of the conventional message passing path. Maybe "display" message? The keyDown message is never *displayed* unless it is passed through all of RR message handlers--display is the last in line. And as Martha Stewart would say: It is a good thing.



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