I'm thinking primarily of menu commands (stored in a setup plugin) which work differently if used in a single-users stack or a multi-user database (things like "new card", "next card", etc.) In HC you could change the behavior of a script depending on whether a "netWorkOn" variable was true or not. Of course I can (and do) now send messages with menuPicks that are different in one-card client stacks and multi-card data stacks.
"Change is good...change is good....change is....
Paul Looney

-----Original Message-----
From: J. Landman Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 12:35:14 -0500
Subject: Re: FORTH and Hypercard

> Jacque, 
> I wonder if Scott would come to the same conclusion today. 
> On modern computers messages can transverse the entire path in > nanoseconds. 
True, though knowing Scott Raney he wouldn't change it even now. However, the reason I changed my mind about the theoretical problem was that I couldn't think of any good reasons why I needed the behavior. I was used to it in HyperCard, of course, and it came in handy when I was trying to fix other people's stacks. But when I really thought about it, there wasn't any good reason to override command behaviors in my own work. It was just as easy to write a handler with its own name and call that. 
The only time I really wanted override behavior was to fix a client stack that came to me with a "play" command on every one of about 500 cards. The stack would play irritating sound effects on every user action and it was driving the client nuts. They wanted me to remove the sounds. In HyperCard I could have overridden the behavior with a single "play" handler at the stack level, but as it was I needed to go through all the cards and remove the commands from each one. 
But if I was writing my own stack, I would have just created a single handler at the stack level to begin with, which would be easy to change. So, aside from fixing other people's bad code, I couldn't think of any reason to ask for the behavior. 
-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com 
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