>>Is there an easy way to import data from an Excel tablesheet into a 
Revolution stack?

Is this a one time export/import or something that needs to happen on a 
regular basis and launched by a script?

If it is a one time ...
save the spreadsheet as tab delimited text and then write a script to pick 
through the data and put it into fields. we can help you with a script for that 
if you like.

if it is an ongoing thing that you want to automate then I can think of 
several ways to do it ...

Have Rev launch an Excel macro file that writes your Excel data to a text 
file and then let Rev snatch the data from there.

Script Rev to do same as above using AppleScript (assuming Mac) instead of a 
macro file. Bonus if you can have AppleScript deliver the info directly to Rev 
and skip the text file.

Script Rev to send AppleEvents (again assuming Mac) to Excel to retrieve the 
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